

“Clean technologies for sustainable environment – waters, waste, energy for circular economy“ (Clean&Circle) for creation and development of a Centre of Competence

Team - Faculty of Biology


Prof. Robert Penchovsky PhD

An associate professor of genetics, synthetic biology, and bioinformatics and molecular evolution at the Faculty of Biology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria.

He is head of molecular biology laboratory in the Clean and Circle Center of Competence.

His main research goal in the Center is to genetically engineer microorganisms for biogas and bioethanol production. For more information: http://penchovsky.atwebpages.com/


Assist. Prof. Todor Ganchev Bogdanov, PhD


Specialist in low-temperature plasma technologies with biomedical, agricultural and environmental applications. His main project activity is the development of an innovative plasma source for water treatment.


Dimitry Dashinov


Scientific interests in water ecology, ichthyology, saprobiology, determination of ecological status and ecological potential of freshwater bodies and management of invasive species. Researcher in the project on the determination of ecological status and ecological potential of water collectors (water and sediments), analysis and ranking of the impacts of different pollutants on the ecological status of freshwater bodies and on the development of new methods for ecological status determination.

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logo-en-gr Project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0019:„Clean technologies for sustainable environment – water, waste, energy for circular economy“, financed by the Operational programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” 2014-2020, co-financed by the European union through the European structural and investment funds. logo-en-right

About Us

The project duration is from 30 March 2018 to 30 November 2023.
Leading organization is Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Clean&Circle aims at building effective infrastructure and research capacity to develop innovations in the circular economy focusing on water, energy and waste management.


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