Analysеs with expert evaluation

Comprehensive analysis of the biological component in treatment plants and expert evaluation for efficiency improvement
Description of service: Includes sample preparation and sample pre-treatment; analysis of chemical indicators; analysis of technological indicators; analysis of microbiological indicators; data analysis and expert evaluation.
Contact person: Prof. dbn Yana Topalova
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Determination of inorganic anions (Cl, F, NO2, NO3, PO4, SO4) in drinking, mineral, table, surface and underground waters.
Description of service: Analysis by ion chromatography
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Valentina Lubomirova
Tel. 028161298
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Determination of the content of macro, micro and trace elements (70 elements) in liquid and solid samples
Service Description: Analysis with ICP-MS
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Valentina Lubomirova
Tel. 028161299
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Evaluation of the microbiological contamination of drinking, mineral, table, surface and underground, waste water samples using an express and new ATP-test for Bulgaria, introduced by the WHO
Description of the service: The service includes: Sample preparation; Laboratory analysis; Data analysis, expert evaluation; The test evaluates the number of living units (cells) in the examined sample; The results are ready within the day
Contact person: Chief Asst. Prof. Elitsa Pavlova, PhD
Tel. 0887 982 172
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Assessment of the pro-oxidant capacity of drinking, mineral, table, surface and underground, waste water samples using a new for Bulgaria luminescence test
Description of the service: The luminescent test evaluates the purity of the examined sample quickly and with high sensitivity without the need for a test and analysis of single indicators; The results are ready within the day
Contact person: Chief Asst. Prof. Elitsa Pavlova, PhD
Tel. 0887 982 173
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Chemical analyzes of drinking, underground, surface, wastewater and sediments and expert assessment of their quality.
Description of service: Includes sample preparation and sample pre-treatment; analysis of chemical indicators; analysis of technological indicators; data analysis and expert evaluation
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Galina Dimova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Sonia Dimitrova, PhD, Dipl. Eng
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Preparation of strategic analyzes for the introduction of a circular economy in water supply systems or in individual elements thereof.
Description of the service: Analysis of strengths and weaknesses, enabling and hindering factors for the introduction of circular solutions in the management of water supply systems
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Galina Dimova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Irina Kostova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Preparation of risk assessment of natural water sources and water supply systems
Description of the service: Analysis of the available database, monitoring programs. Development of a Risk Assessment Plan in relation to the fulfillment of the requirements of Directive 2020/2184 on the quality of water intended for human consumption
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Galina Dimova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Optimization of separate technological processes in drinking water treatment plants (WTP) and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP)
Description of the service: Analysis of design parameters and operating characteristics of individual technological processes and a proposal for their optimization
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Galina Dimova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Irina Kostova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Laboratory and pilot studies for the treatment of drinking, sewage and industrial waters
Description of the service: Preparation and conduct of technological experiments for the removal of specific pollutants Analysis of the results and preparation of an opinion
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Galina Dimova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Irina Kostova, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Measurement of water levels in open channels and pressure pipelines in real conditions and in continuous mode
Description of the service: Measurement of water level in open channels or tanks with an ultrasonic flow meter with a data frequency of 1 min Data analysis
Contact person: Emil Tsanov, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Measurement of water consumption/water losses in real conditions
Description of the service: Installation of equipment for measuring water consumption/water losses in individual sites Analysis of the results
Contact person: Emil Tsanov, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Perform pre-demolition audit of buildings/facilities to identify hazardous and potentially hazardous construction waste
Description of the service: Includes survey of the building to identify hazardous and potentially hazardous construction waste and recommendations for demolition of the building/facility with a view to maximizing the utilization of construction waste and minimizing its management costs
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Rumyana Zaharieva, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Preparation of construction waste management plans (CWMP)
Service description: Development of an CWMP in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Management Act (WMA) and the Ordinance on the Management of Construction Waste and the Use of Recycled Construction Materials as a mandatory project in the investment design when carrying out a major repair/reconstruction/alteration of purpose/removal of constructionsp>
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Rumyana Zaharieva, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Preparation of proposals for the use of recycled building materials in constructions
Description of the service: Technical and economic analysis of the possibilities of using recycled building materials in concrete constructions, with a view to fulfilling the requirements of the regulatory framework and/or to optimize costs.
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Rumyana Zaharieva, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Application of concrete with recycled additives
Description of the service: Preparation of adapted formulations of concrete with recycled additive materials to achieve a certain class of compressive strength and for given operational impacts and assessment of the conformity of these concretes.
Contact person: Asst. Prof. Boyan Petrov, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Preparation of Bulgarian technical approvals (BTO) for construction products
Description of the service: Preparation of BTO for products with recycled materials from construction and industrial waste based on studies, tests and assessment of the suitability of construction products for their intended use
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Boshnakov, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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Consultancy services for construction waste recyclers
Description of service: Creation of an adapted recycling system to achieve desired properties of recycled materials
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Rumyana Zaharieva, PhD, Dipl. Eng.
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